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  There is no specific blood pressure value above which must be administered treatment and below which it can not do anything with certainty. It should be considered as family history, age, lipid profile, smoking, other diseases may coexist eg Diabetes.

The price is a limit between normal blood pressure and hypertension is defined around 140/90 mmHg, systolic and diastolic pressure respectively.
Simply put, blood pressure is a value as close to normal is the less chances for occurrence of stroke and myocardial infarction. Increased blood pressure can lead to minor injuries of the arteries repaired to form a clot in high cholesterol concentration favors the formation of atherosclerosis, leading to occlusion of the artery.
The immediate challenge of stroke is much greater when sharply reduced than when abruptly increases blood pressure in a hypertensive person. Both the increase in systolic (high) and diastolic (low) pressure, if not more a risk factor for heart and blood vessels.  Hypertension to damage the arterial wall must be long-term.


 Hypertension due to:
• The increased release powerful vasoconstrictor substance (angiotensin II) .Nefropatheia, endocrinopathy.
• Increasing the constriction of arterioles, probably retention of sodium (Na +) in genetically predisposed individuals (salt-sensitive).
• For a large proportion of 95% the cause is unknown.

 Hypotension due to:
• In a bleeding
• On loss of salts mainly of sodium (Na +) and water. Such fluid loss can occur by severe prolonged sweating, serious burns or gastrointestinal such as diarrhea or vomiting or unusual large losses through the urine.

Treating hypertension

Non-drug treatment:
• If the patient is obese, it is recommended a good diet to lose weight having regard to the benefits of the ideal weight.
• Alcohol Restriction
• Regular physical exercise
• Avoid salt intake with food
• Increased potassium ions making (K +) eg 5 fruits / day.
• Diet low in fat, cholesterol.
• Fight stress with various relaxation methods such as slow breathing, muscle and mental relaxation with the thought of pleasant experiences.
• Stop smoking to reduce the artery.

Some interactions of antihypertensive drugs with food and other drugs

• With alcohol, antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics and other antihypertensives increases the hypotensive effect (reduction in pressure)
• With antacids reduced the absorbance of the antihypertensive drug
• With NSAIDs, corticosteroids, estrogens or contraceptives have competition of the antihypertensive action.


It is preferable to define hypertension as a physiopathological condition and not a condition which has plagued a large number of people today.

Women have significantly less coronary artery disease than men until menopause, when the incidence of equalized between the sexes. This fact is attributable to the lack of estrogen kardioprofylaktiki after exert a beneficial effect on plasma cholesterol.

Wrong perception that the increase in blood pressure is subjectively felt. Except for very rare hypertensive encephalopathy, has not proven correlation of the amount of pressure to the appearance of symptoms such as headache or dizziness.

    Importantly, long-term regulation of blood pressure and not casual setting.

   Follow all instructions of your doctor.

Do not forget that someone or is hypertensive or not. Thus, the daily intake of your medications and healthy lifestyle will help you in the management of hypertension and the prevention of heart problems.
Information on disease, it helps you understand your therapeias which recommends the doctor and therefore better respected.


Nutritional information / Herbal extracts


· Magnesium - Magnesium 200-600 mg / day
High doses can cause watery stools. People who take medication for the heart should consult their physician before use magnesium supplements.

· CoQ10 60-200 mg / day
The use of CoQ10 and warfarin only be done under medical supervision as CoQ10 may decrease the effectiveness of warfarin. Concomitant use with drugs associated with the heart only under medical supervision.

· L-Theanine 50-600 mg / day
Can increase the effect of chemotherapeutic agents in tumor cells. Do not be taken with antidepressant medications. Do not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

· Hawthorne berry extract 150-450mg / day
Do not be taken simultaneously with anticoagulants

· Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils) 700-2800 Mg EPA / DHA / day
Do not be taken simultaneously with anticoagulants


Reduce / Avoid salt, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, processed ydatanythrakes, red meat, fried foods, alcohol, caffeine. Stop smoking, keep the weight to normal, regular exercise, avoid stress which increases the production of aldosterone, which increases blood pressure.


Raise full and unrefined cereals, fatty fish, vegetables, garlic, onions, celery, fruits with emphasis on bananas and tomatoes, legumes, nuts and seeds in fresh and raw form.

For any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


The text was edited by Pharmacist

Polyzos Apostle - specialized in Organization and Management of Health Services


Oxford handbook of clinical medicine "R.A.Hope, J.M.Longmore, S.K.McManus, C.A.Wood-Allum"
Human Physiology "Vander, Sherman, Luciano," 8th edition, edited Greek version: N.Geladas-M.Tsakopoulos
National formulary EMA 2003

All the above information is for informational purposes only.

Please consult your physician.



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