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The influenza virus (orthomyxovirus RNA) has three types A, B, C. Epidemics start suddenly, peak within 2-3 weeks, 2-3 months lasting and disappear quickly. Showing only the winter months in temperate climates throughout the year in tropical countries. The morbidity and mortality that accompany the flu is serious, especially in people who suffer from something else, such as chronic heart and lung disease. People in old age are susceptible to become ill seriously. Type B causes epidemics in schools and camps, while type C causes subclinical infection.

Each year the flu virus mutates (changes antigenic) and for every year nosoume. Also, because these mutations, we have no antibodies to defend and therefore vaccinated every year in autumn (November-December) as discussed below. We should emphasize that another flu and other colds.


Aquatic birds are reservoirs of type A virus. Birds (hosts) do not become ill but shed virus in faeces and these faeces contaminated the waters of the lakes, so migratory birds carry the virus elsewhere. Also birds contaminating the feces of pigs and chickens, and transmission of the virus provides excellent conditions for "genetic mixture" resulting in the creation of new virus subtypes, resulting pandemics.


The flu is spread by droplets from coughing and sneezing patient, with the handshake or contact with contaminated objects. The incubation time is 1-4 days and the transmissivity begins 1 day before up to 7 days after onset of symptoms.

Clinical Infections:

Influenza A: The disease is characterized by sudden onset of headache, myalgia, fever, anorexia, nasal hypersecretion and dry cough. The main symptom is high fever that rises to 38-41 degrees C. The fever usually lasts 3 days. During the third day the initial symptoms subside and symptoms appear from the respiratory tract such as pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheiovronchiolitida. The coughing can be maintained for 1-2 weeks.

flu complications, usually people> 64eton, pregnant women, and patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease, immunosuppression, are:

  • Primary viral pneumonia with symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, cyanosis, persistent fever, hemoptysis (especially affects heart patients) and
  • Secondary bacterial pneumonia appear later due to various bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, haemophilus. The patients show improvement after 2-3 weeks of disease, and then resumes the fever attributes microbial pneumonia (cough, sputum production).
  • Various as myositis, myocarditis, encephalitis, sinusitis, otitis media,

Influenza B: Symptoms are similar to those of the influenza A, but softer. This virus often attacks the gastrointestinal tract and complications is Reye's syndrome (cerebral edema, degeneration of the viscera, especially the liver) and aseptically meningitis, complications occur mostly in young children. It should not be given aspirin in children with acute respiratory infections.

Ιnfluenza C: In young children, causing febrile disease of the upper respiratory system.


Antiviral drugs such as amantadine and rimantadine, which if administered within 24 to 48 hours duration of systemic and respiratory symptoms is shortened by about 50% and prophylaxis takes about 6 weeks. Adverse reactions mainly in the central nervous system (tremor, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness,) in 5-10% of patients and in the gastrointestinal

The diagnosis of influenza is made by the doctor and taking medications only after the prescription of drugs from the appropriate physicians.


The flu vaccine is produced by influenza A and B viruses that have been released in the previous period. If the new period virus is similar to the vaccine strain, is expected to protect against 50-80%. It contains inactivated virus particles prepared in hens' eggs. The vaccine is administered intradermally and only 60% of vaccinees provide immunity. Vaccination is not recommended for people allergic to eggs. Recommended for all persons aged> 6 years old who are at risk of complications and suffering from heart disease, kidney and lungs, in people who work in hospitals. The precautionary time of the vaccine is about 6 months.

Recommendations for influenza vaccination

People most at risk of complications

  • People> 64 years
  • Residents of nursing home and hospital
  • Adults and children (> 6 months) with chronic heart and lung diseases and asthma
  • Adults and children (> 6 months) which were needed regular medical supervision or hospitalization in the past year, diabetes, hemoglobinopathy, renal dysfunction, immunosuppression,
  • Children and adolescents receiving long-term aspirin therapy and therefore at risk from Reye's syndrome if ill flu
  • Women who will be in the second or third trimester of flu season
  • People who can transmit flu to high-risk individuals
  • Doctors, nurses, hospital staff, pharmacists,
  • Employees in nursing homes and chronic care facilities
  • Roommates high risk individuals

common Cold


Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses are the leading cause of the common cold, the main symptom of rhinorrhea, which becomes mucopurulent a few days.

  • Transmitted by infected secretions (coughing, sneezing). The frequency of infection shows seasonal distribution with outbreaks in the winter and spring.
  • The incubation period is 1-4 days.
  •  Patients have a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, nasal congestion and sore throat. Fever and systemic symptoms are rare. Affected only the upper respiratory tract.
  •  Complications in children is otitis media, pneumonia, febrile convulsions.
  • The treatment of nasal obstruction is treated with decongestants or saline.
  • Not applicable vaccine and is granted specific antiviral therapy.

Nutritional information / Herbal extracts

 Colds, flu and infections


Vitamin C - ascorbic acid (Ester C / Calcium Ascorbate) 500-1000mg every 2-3 hours (during infection)
High doses of ascorbic acid can cause watery stools. High doses may interact with warfarin. high doses should be avoided by people with sickle cell anemia and kidney patients, people with kidney stones because it ydoatodialyti vitamin C and the excess is excreted by the kidneys.

Zinc Zn 15-50mg daily (during infection)
May cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach. High doses> 100mg can cause suppression of the immune system. To ensure adequate copper and iron intake.

Echinacea (Echinacea) 300-500mg 3 times daily (during infection)
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Use with caution in cases of autoimmune diseases and only with the permission and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Elderberry Extract 100-500mg 3 times daily (during infection)
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

Olive Leaf Extract 200-500mg 3 times daily (during infection)
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.

Cats Claw Extract 150-300mg 3 times daily (during infection)
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Avoid concomitant use with antihypertensive drugs and insulin.


Reduce / Avoid: sugar, dairy products, alcohol.

Increase: vegetables, fruits (especially berries), onions and garlic, grains, nuts in raw form.

Wash your hands regularly or use an antiseptic to prevent the transmission of pathogens.

The text was edited by Pharmacist

Polyzos Apostle - specialized in Organization and Management of Health Services



Oxford handbook of clinical medicine "R.A .Hope, J.M.Longmore, S.K.McManus, C.A. Wood-Allum "
Medical Microbiology A. Antoniadis. Antoniadis Gr., Legakis N., Tselentata I., Medical Publications Pashalidis
Harrison INTERNAL PATHOLOGY HANDBOOK SESSION Kasper D., Braunwald E., Fauci A., Hauser S., Longo D., Jameson L.

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