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  Coughing is a general symptom sore present anywhere, from the throat to the lungs. Coughs can be productive or not, even if there is expectoration. The metal coughing associated with tracheal pressure, and if the patient paroponeitai for a heartburn, then the cough associated with tracheitis. As bovine is prolonged and deep cough due to paralysis of the vocal cords. The guttural cough is characterized by dryness and hoarseness and due to laryngitis. Staccato, irritating and frequent cough may be due to pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis and pneumonia in the early stages. Psychogenic cough is due to psychological causes and needs psychiatric help.


Coughing may be because:

  • (For a smoker) in the cigarette, the legomenos "tsigarovichas"
  • to drugs such as ACE inhibitor
  • to irritants, including smoke from cigarettes
  • a viral or bacterial infection
  • chronic sinusitis or oesophagitis usually when they are primarily nocturnal
  • in postnasal drip syndrome SORE,
  • inhalation of cold or very hot air
  • asthma, so-called asthmatic cough
  • SKA causes chronic cough.
  • psychological causes

Clinical tests, which must be done, is sputum tests, which may show a malignancy or infection, bronchoscopy and cardiac exams. The chest radiograph can show tumor, infection, interstitial disease or hilar adenopathy sarcoidosis .The persistent cough after viral infection suggests post-infectious cough.


  • avoid drugs ACE inhibitors and smoking
  • inhaled anticholinergic agent (e.g. ipratropium), or inhaled beta-agonist (e.g., albuterol) or inhaled steroids (e.g., triamcinolone). Inhaled steroids may take 7-10 days to act when used irritating cough.
  • The productive cough with a significant volume of sputum should generally not be suppressed. The elimination of sputum can be facilitated by adequate hydration, mucolytics and mechanical devices.

The text was edited by Pharmacist

Polyzos Apostolos - specialized in Organization and Management of Health Services



Oxford handbook of clinical medicine "R.A.Hope, J.M.Longmore, S.K.McManus, C.A.Wood-Allum"
Harrison INTERNAL PATHOLOGY HANDBOOK SESSION Kasper D., Braunwald E., Fauci A., Hauser S., Longo D., Jameson L.

All the above information is for informational purposes only.

Please consult your physician.



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