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NOW Gaba 500mg 100vcaps CODE No: 004511


22,00 €

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Soothing Central Nervous System - Increase Myikotitas


The Gaba (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is an amino acid found mainly in the brain and eyes. It is considered an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it regulates brain activity and that of nerve cells, inhibiting the number of neurons that trigger the brain. The Gaba referred to as "natural calming agent in the brain." Inhibiting excessive stimulation of the brain, Gaba may help promote relaxation and relieve nervous tension. The Now Foods provides only the physical form that Gaba, as found in food and body.

The Gaba works the same way as prescription sedatives (eg valium), but without the possibility of addiction. In times of stress, anxiety or hyperactivity in Gaba is committed to driving brain centers. Considered to be useful in treating low sexual desire due to stress, hypertension due to tension in the vessel walls and epilepsy by false signals to the brain.

Besides these "effects in the balance," the Gaba stimulates the anterior pituitary, leading to higher levels of human growth hormone (HGH), a hormone strongly anabolic (muscle building) and lipotropiki (prevention from fat) .

The HGH appears to have anti-aging effects, and because it decreases with age, supplementation is beneficial. Higher levels of HGH leads to less body fat and also better ratio of lean tissue compared to fat stored. Thus, Gaba indirectly enhances these two positive results.


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